Forty five year-old Richelle Mottosky is our 2nd place winner of the spring 2015 Lean and Mean challenge. She decreased her body fat by 27.54 per cent!

Have your views on fitness changed as you’ve gotten older?

Yes, my views have changed. I get the value of weight training more than ever before in my life.

Were you always involved in fitness?

Yes, fitness (cardio specifically) has always been an important part of my life (mostly because I’m very good at eating). I recognized early on that it was a very good calorie burner and mood regulator.

How do you fit exercise into your life?

I find it very difficult in my current life circumstances to fit exercise in. I am a full time working professional with an active young family and many extra-curricular demands. I had to create time by getting up earlier which also decreased the chances of sabotage. Funnily, no one looks for me or has any demands between 5:00am-7:00am. It is obvious how beneficial fitness is. It’s simply just not often easy. It has to be a non-negotiable like wearing a seatbelt.

How did you hear about the Lean and Mean Challenge and why did you decide to sign up?

I have been coming to One On One off and on for years. I heard about this round of the Lean & Mean Challenge through a friend. Thank you Shelly for challenging me to enter and to Sandra who encouraged me to return.

What was the toughest part of the Lean and Mean for you?

Sadly, putting myself first (there’s precious few moments to be a mom) and getting up so early. I am not a morning person!

What was the most rewarding aspect of the event for you?

That would be getting support for (something that is not easy for me) weight training! Personal training is a great resource. It resembles the blockbuster Fifty Shades of Grey (a lot of torture and a little pleasure).

What did your friends, family or spouse think of what you were doing?

They were incredibly supportive and encouraging. When you are committed and enthusiastic I notice they join in.

What do you eat?

I ate lots of protein and greens and dined out a lot less. I allowed one day a week of indulgence and decadence (much less than my usual indulgence).

When you fall off track, how do you get back on?

When I did fall off my eating plan I added cardio the next day and an extra weight set.

What are your goals now?

Maintenance! I believe there has been a shift and I have committed to continuing new early morning habits of 100 minutes of activity per day. This is not negotiable.

If you could give advice to another person who was struggling with their fitness what would that be?

Be kind to yourself. Ask yourself what you need and learn how to move yourself. Waiting for motivation or inspiration is a myth! For example, I realized that I have a strong sense of accountability. If I know I am meeting a friend or have a trainer waiting for me I will move mountains (aka- my butt) to get to my work-out.

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