I started exercising when I found out that I had depression. They told me that exercise was one of the best things to do and that it would help me. I got into a couple of gyms and boot camps but I never saw any change. I came to One On One Personal Fitness because I was looking for a gym that promised me that I would see a change in my body.
Since I met Sandra I knew that I was in the right place. Sandra and her team are amazing and they make you feel good.
I come to One On One Personal Fitness once a week for an hour session. The other four days, I workout at home with a workout plan that my trainer Codrut created for me. My views on fitness have changed over the years. I never worked with weights before. Now that Codrut has introduced me to the importance of working out with weights they are part of my daily exercise routine.
I find it very difficult in my current life to fit exercise in. I work full time and have an active family and many extra-curricular demands. I had to create time by getting up earlier which also decreased the chances of sabotage. It ‘s obvious how beneficial fitness is, it’s simply just not often easy. I make time for fitness, because it makes me feel good about myself. It’s amazing how you feel after your workout and how it comes to be a part of your lifestyle.
It has been very rewarding to see my progress. I struggle with depression issues and probably like most people have a tough time believing in myself. It was surprising to see my body become stronger and fitter in just twelve weeks! That saying, “be the change you want to see,” came true for me. It is also very rewarding when somebody is trying so hard to help you achieve your goals because they care about you. My biggest challenge? To believe in myself and making time for a workout into my busy schedule.
My friends and family did not know that I was in the Lean and Mean Challenge. When they found out, they said they were proud of what I accomplished. My sons are already striving to get their fitness into their busy schedules. Mom can’t be in better shape! My goal now is to maintain my clean eating habits and to keep losing body fat. Thank you to my trainer Codrut for helping me to focus, encouraging me to do more, building my confidence and showing me so many ways to build muscle! Thank you also to Danny for teaching me how to use the right posture when I was performing different workouts and thank you to Sandra for all the help to get fit and to believe that I was able to do it! If you’re struggling with your fitness, intention is not enough. Commit to yourself and know you can reach your goals, one day at a time.