Before personal training was a thing, there was me. 34 years ago I started One On One Personal Fitness. I shared my vision and created a business plan for a loans manager at the ATB. I combined my NAIT business education with my passion.
One On One, I wanted to instruct people, to help them achieve better results in the gym. I believed that personal training was the wave of the future. My ATB manager listened and he financed that twenty-something year old kid.
I recently wrote my memoir, Resilience: You Are Not What Has Happened To You. In my book, I thanked the ATB. I reached out to let them know what their support meant to me when I started my business. They listened to me —again. Today, the ATB filmed my story at One On One Personal Fitness Instruction.
About that personal training thing…..
Time has vindicated me. In 2022, personal training was valued at 13 billion U.S. I would like to thank our clients and my staff for their outstanding support, I am grateful.