Melanie lost 30.68% of her initial bodyfat and she is our 2023 Lean and Mean winner. She wins a $1000 shopping spree!
Why do you make time for fitness?
I like how working out makes me feel. I feel healthy, it also enhances my piece of mind. I enjoy the valuable time spent with myself. It’s a commitment. It used to feel like a chore but now I enjoy and crave the feeling of weights and cardio!
What was the toughest part of the Lean and Mean for you?
The most challenging aspect of the Lean and Mean is always nutrition. What foods to eat, and what NOT to eat. Avoiding comfort eating, eating out of habit or mindlessly snacking! However, once I began consistently eating quality foods, I don’t crave the “bad stuff” so much!! And we all know that we can’t out train a bad diet!!

What was the most rewarding aspect of the event for you?
The satisfaction of feeling good as a result from setting and achieving a goal. It feels good to look good! My clothes are fitting better, and I feel better in them! Not only have I gotten stronger in the gym, but the innate physical activities in my daily living have gotten easier.
When you fall off track with healthy eating/exercise, how do you get back on?
The most important thing for me was to NOT beat myself up. When striving for a goal I must always push forward, never back! Realizing what’s done is done, it’s never usually as bad as I think. Remembering how I felt and looked when eating well and exercising helps get the mindset back!
What are your goals now?
My main goal is to learn how to maintain my weight. I’m thinking about building more muscle and lifting a little heavier.
If you could give advice to another person who was struggling with their fitness what would that be?
That tomorrow is another day, don’t beat yourself up if you fall off track, get back up and try again. Find your own reasons and motivation for fitness and be true to yourself in your journey!